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Thursday, November 6, 2008

Like Manna From Heaven- Farm Fresh Veggies in Bethel!

Jamie and I went to the store yesterday to get milk, (now paying over six dollars for half a gallon because the whole gallon spoils in 2-3 days) and vegetables. I just needed some vegetables. I was craving rutabaga and brussel sprouts, which I suppose is a strange combination, but I was. We arrived at the store, no brussel sprouts, looked around some more, no rutabaga, looked over the carrots, old and flaccid, the lettuce was turning brown. The only vegetable that looked good were artichokes and they were seven dollars each and I just couldn't bring myself to spend that much.
Deflated, James and I started walking home with our groceries which did include a bag of frozen broccoli. What do we see through the frozen snow? Terrence carrying a large box of farm fresh vegetables! Organic onions, beets, potatoes, cabbage and incredibly sweet carrots all grown here in Bethel. I don't know how the guy does it, we have been below freezing since the end of September but somehow he has performed this garden miracle. I had carrots and beets for dinner last night and it was delicious. Apparently, there is an organic farm right here in Bethel and he hopes to keep having vegetables throughout the winter. I don't know how he does it but when I find out I will post more. I know the Yupik were able to live on fish, greens and berries, but I am so grateful that we have some other options.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow- that is a such a blessing- God is so good and amazing! I don't know what we would do without fresh veggies. I love the idea of Ted walking through the snow with a box of veggies like Santa with presents for all...

James- the scythe is pretty cool!xoxox jane