I have meant to post more pictures and movies but I have not. I will make that a goal in the coming weeks. Everyone is doing well. William is a delight. He is getting more motivated about moving around. His sounds are also starting to resemble human speech although we aren't recognizing any words yet. Perhaps he is speaking Albanian and we just don't know it (that is the language he hears all day at daycare). He has been so healthy, we are really lucky. I was fearful that he would get sick since he was going to daycare but overall he has been sickness free. I think his caregiver is very careful about about cleanliness. There are a lot of respiratory problems here in the Delta but luckily William seems to be unaffected. He also avoided the flu which has been going around
James received another report card and he is advanced in reading and math. He is very social and enjoying his time with friends. He has also been sickness free this year.
Work has been challenging and rewarding. We have had some good outcomes lately which is a welcomed change. The lack of basic services including housing and mental health services continues to appall me on a day to day basis. I don't know how the people here deal with it but somehow they do.
Camai Dance Festival is this weekend. I will try to get some pictures but this event fills the high school with wall to wall people. We went last night for about two hours and William really liked the Yupik Dancing.